console.log('in begining'); var accessToken = '7ae595e30fdac5288c4be28cc3b224fb'; var sPath = ""; var siteUrl = ""; // var accessToken = 'd0bd571dc19c083d82f023c9666c5574 '; // var sPath = "http://localhost/custom/clifton/form/"; var currentUrl = window.location.href; let loadjQuery = { "url": "", "type": "text/javascript", "sync": true }; let loadjQueryValidation = { "url": "", "type": "text/javascript", "sync": true }; let loadjQuerySelect2 = { "url": "", "type": "text/javascript", "sync": true }; let loadjQueryUi = { "url": "", "type": "text/javascript", "sync": true }; let loadjQueryMast = { "url": "", "type": "text/javascript", "sync": true }; function loadingDependancies(target, callback) { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { try { let script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = target.type; script.async = target.async; script.src = target.url; // Set onload callback to resolve the promise and execute the callback script.onload = function () { resolve(); if (callback) { callback(); } }; // Set onerror callback to reject the promise script.onerror = function () { reject(new Error('Script loading error: ' + target.url)); }; document.head.appendChild(script); } catch (err) { reject(err); } }); } (function () { var target = document.getElementById('cliftonForm'), parent = target.parentElement, containerDiv = document.createElement('div'); containerDiv.setAttribute('class', 'imclass'); containerDiv.setAttribute('id', 'imclass'); parent.insertBefore(containerDiv, target); // Master div creation done // add loader var imclassDiv = document.getElementById('imclass'); imclassDiv.innerHTML = `
`; // Load css var cssId = 'myCss'; // you could encode the css path itself to generate id.. if (!document.getElementById(cssId)) { var head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; var link = document.createElement('link'); = cssId; link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.type = 'text/css'; // link.href = sPath + 'stylesheet.css'; = 'all'; head.appendChild(link); } console.log('i am in on load'); getFormHTML(); }()); function getFormHTML(id) { var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.onreadystatechange = function () { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { document.getElementById("imclass").innerHTML = this.responseText; loadingDependancies(loadjQuery) .then(() => loadingDependancies(loadjQueryValidation)) .then(() => loadingDependancies(loadjQuerySelect2, initializeSelect2)) .then(() => loadingDependancies(loadjQueryUi)) .then(() => loadingDependancies(loadjQueryMast)) .then(() => { // Call your custom function customJs(); }) .catch(err => { console.log(err) }); } }; // Extract parameters from current URL var urlParams = new URLSearchParams(currentUrl.split('?')[1]); var url = sPath + "form.php?accessToken=" + accessToken; urlParams.forEach(function (value, key) { url += "&" + key + "=" + value; });"POST", url, true); xhttp.send(); } // Function to initialize Select2 function initializeSelect2() { $('.cliftion__form-select-item').select2({ minimumResultsForSearch: Infinity, }); } function customJs() { var generate_json_object = jQuery.parseJSON(jQuery('.mandatoryFieldsJson').val()); var generate_error_msg_json_object = jQuery.parseJSON(jQuery('.mandatoryFieldsMessage').val()); var clph__element_form = $("form.clph__form"); $(document).ready(function () { checkFieldLogic(); // $('.cliftion__form-select-item').select2({ // minimumResultsForSearch: Infinity, // }); //Form Validation clph__element_form.validate({ rules: generate_json_object, messages: generate_error_msg_json_object, errorPlacement: function (error, element) { if (element.prop("type") === "radio") { error.insertAfter(element.closest('.enquiry-flow__form-radio-wrap')); } else if (element.prop("type") === "toggle") { error.insertAfter(element.closest('.clifton__toggle_panel')); } else if (element.prop("type") === "checkbox") { error.insertAfter(element.closest('.enquiry-flow__form-check-wrap')); } else if (element.hasClass('cliftion__currency_input')) { error.insertAfter(element.closest('.input-group')); } else if (element.hasClass('cliftion__form-select-item')) { error.insertAfter(element.siblings('.select2')); } else { error.insertAfter(element); } }, submitHandler: function (form) { var formData = new FormData(form); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: clph__ajax_url, data: formData, dataType: 'JSON', processData: false, contentType: false, success: function (response) { console.log(response.redirect); if (response.redirect != "") { window.location.href = response.redirect; } update_next_step(); }, error: function (data) { console.log('Error:', data); } }); } }); //Company lookup if (jQuery(".autocomplete__company_lookup").length) { jQuery(".autocomplete__company_lookup").autocomplete({ source: sPath + "companies.php", select: function (event, ui) { jQuery(".autocomplete__company_lookup").val(ui.item.text); jQuery("#hiddenCompanyNumber").val(; jQuery("#hiddenBusinessName").val(ui.item.text); jQuery("#hiddencompanyType").val(ui.item.company_type); //For Company placehoder // jQuery(".aef__js_lable_company_name").text(ui.item.text); return false; } }).data("ui-autocomplete")._renderItem = function (ul, item) { var company_item = ""; company_item = `

` + item.text + `

` + item.address_snippet + `
`; return $("
  • ").append(company_item).appendTo(ul); }; } //Show Hidden Feild $(".clifton__dependent-field").on('change', function () { var checkedValue = $(this).val(); var action = $(this).data("action"); var value = $(this).data("value"); if (checkedValue == 'Yes') { if (value && value === 'Yes') { $(".field-" + action).show(); } else { $(".field-" + action).hide(); } } else { $(".field-" + action).hide(); } }); jQuery("input[name='clph__source_url']").val(currentUrl); function handleFieldLogic(element, fieldLogic) { console.log(element); console.log(fieldLogic); // Convert the fieldLogic object to a string var fieldLogicString = JSON.stringify(fieldLogic); // Replace single quotes with double quotes var logicString = fieldLogicString.replace(/'/g, '"'); // Convert the string back to an object var logicObj = JSON.parse(logicString); // Extract logic conditions var conditions = logicObj.condition; // Evaluate each condition var performAction = false; var matchCount = 0; for (var i = 0; i < conditions.length; i++) { var condition = conditions[i]; var questionId = condition.questionId; var field = $("[name^='inputs[" + questionId + "]']"); // console.log(field); var field_val = field.val(); let checkedData = []; // Check if the field is radio or checkbox if (field.length && field.attr('type') === 'radio') { //checked value field_val = field.filter(':checked').val(); // console.log(field_val); // Check if the field matches the condition // if (field.length && field_val !== condition.value) { // performAction = false; // matchCount++; // } } if (field.attr('type') === 'checkbox') { //checked value field_val = field.filter(':checked').val(); console.log(field.attr('id')); $("[name^='inputs[" + questionId + "]']:checked").each(function () { checkedData.push($(this).val()); }); console.log(checkedData); } // Check if the field matches the condition if (field.attr('type') === 'checkbox') { condition.value console.log('field_val_array='); console.log(checkedData); console.log('condition.value=' + condition.value); if (field.length && checkedData.includes(condition.value)) { performAction = true; matchCount++; } } else { console.log('field_val=' + field_val); console.log('condition.value=' + condition.value); if (field.length && field_val == condition.value) { performAction = true; matchCount++; } } } console.log('matchCount=' + matchCount); // Show or hide the element based on the logic if ($(element).hasClass('iAmDefaultHide')) { $(element).hide(); } else { $(element).show(); } if (logicObj.relation == 'and') { if (matchCount == conditions.length) { if (logicObj.then === "show") { $(element).show(); } else { $(element).hide(); } } } if (logicObj.relation == 'or') { if (matchCount > 0) { if (logicObj.then === "show") { $(element).show(); } else { $(element).hide(); } } } } function checkFieldLogic() { // Loop through all elements with data-field-logic attribute $('[data-field-logic]').each(function () { var fieldLogic = $(this).data('field-logic'); if (fieldLogic) { handleFieldLogic(this, fieldLogic); } }); } // Event listener for change events on select inputs $('.cliftion__form-select-item').change(function () { checkFieldLogic(); }); // Event listener for change events on toggle inputs $('.clifton__toggle_panel_button').change(function () { checkFieldLogic(); }); // Event listener for change events on radio inputs $('.clifton__radio_panel_button').change(function () { checkFieldLogic(); }); //event listener for change events Multi choice $('.clifton__checkbox_panel_button').change(function () { checkFieldLogic(); }); $('.cliftion__currency_input').mask("000,000,000,000,000,000", { reverse: true }); $('.clph__date_inputmask').mask('99/99/9999', { placeholder: "DD/MM/YYYY" }); }); }